Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, David!

My cousin David had a big birthday party for his 3rd birthday. Aunt Gerry bought David a big Mickey Mouse balloon. He thought it was really special.

He played and played with that balloon.

This is my cousin Hannah. She had fun playing with me.

I liked sitting in my Grandma Sally's lap. She thinks I look like Daddy.

GiGi said I was a cute, fat baby. But apparently, I'm not as fat as Pappy was when he was a baby. He weighed 31 pounds when he was a year old. I still have a ways to go before I catch up to him!

This is most of the Born clan. It's fun to have lots of family around.

Here I am with my brother, sisters, Kamryn, and David.

Daddy is David's godfather. They love each other very much.

Kamryn likes Daddy, but not as much as David does. At least she like him more than she used to. She agreed to sit in his lap long enough to take this picture.

Here are the four generations of Donalds: Donald Harry Sr, Donald Harry Jr, Donald E. (Daddy won't let anyone know his middle name), and Donald Tyler. They are four handsome gentlemen.

Happy Birthday, David! I love you!


Aunt Emma said...

Good to see ya'll have a good close family on both sides. Isn't wonderful to be loved by so many people. You are blessed.

Anonymous said...

Donald E at least had the correct hat.